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Welcome Back Trump!

We’ve got a present for you!

Elon just let Trump back on Twitter. Let’s make sure his Twitter comeback is a #MillionDollarMistake that destroys his political comeback.

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How It Works

We’re making Trump’s first tweet back a #MillionDollarMistake

Pledge a one-time donation to be triggered when Trump sends his first tweet since his ban. We won’t charge you until he sends a tweet. The money raised will then be split among 30+ Black and Brown led organizers building progressive power in the swing states.

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The Political Organizers

Money from donations go to these Black & Brown-led organizers. These organizers build communities that educate voters and bring out the vote. We supported them and they helped elect Biden, Harris, and Democratic senators Ossoff and Warnock in GA. They know how to build political power!

Learn more about 'The Justice Fund' and which Republicans they're helping defeat.

We are here to win!

We launched in June 2020 so ordinary people could make Trump pay for his hateful rhetoric. Our community grew to 40,000 strong. We moved millions to swing state organizers. And, thanks to their hard work, we f*cking won.

Since then, we moved our targets to leading MAGA republicans like Gaetz and Boebert, and continued to invest in organizers. You can join our community here.

We are also proud to have some of the most recognized celebrities join our cause and advocate for our mission.See below for articles and celebrities championing #defeatbytweet.

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